How The Best Players In The World Hit Chip Shots (VIDEO)

If you watch golf on TV, we have all these small people, big people, all the golfers flying at 300 yards. And it’s interesting that there’s a new word or new terminology that didn’t exist in golf very many years back called “vertical ground force pressure.”

What that means is technology’s able to measure the side motion, the around motion, but also the push off the ground. And the vertical ground force pressure is, if you asked me, ‘What is my vertical ground force pressure?’ Well, it’s my body weight.

And if I said, if I was dipping my knees is my vertical pressure getting heavier, a lighter, it would be getting lighter. And if I squatted and jumped and pushed off the ground, it would be getting heavier.

Well, how does that relate to chipping?

I see most poor chippers dipping their knees when they’re coming into the ball. But I see good chippers tend to chip and they finish up out of their hip tilt, and they finish tall.

If you want to release the club and land it shallow, I would like for you to finish tall on your left leg. So my left knee is pushing tall. And I’m coming out of bend at my hip at the finish.

Now that doesn’t mean I raised up at the start of the downswing. But that means as the club’s falling and releasing at my wrist, my body is actually standing up.

The most common question I get is, “Well, if I raise up, I’m gonna top it.” But the irony is the person that he always says, “I didn’t keep my head down.” Except you saw what I did. And I saw what he does. His head went down this far. So keeping your head down is not the reason you top it.

It’s because you’ve surged the grip and now you created an angle that didn’t exist at the start. But when you stand up tall at the finish, you lose the angle that you created in the backswing and go back to where you started.

Now all of a sudden, you can land the club, skid the bounce and pitch it nice and soft and make a good shot.