Celebrity Pro-Am Profile: Bill Clinton

Name: William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton

Claim to Fame: 42nd President of the United States

Handicap: Reported to be as low as 10, but has risen in recent years.

Connections to Golf:

– His Clinton Foundation presents the CareerBuilder Challenge on the PGA Tour.

– Cousin, Lisa Cornwell, is a Golf Channel anchor.

– Played over 400 rounds of golf as the sitting president.

– Famous for “billigans” — his take on mulligans, although he claims that he doesn’t use them as much as has been reported because, “you’d be surprised at how many times you don’t get a bit of good out of it.”

– Dream foursome would include Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt.  

– Had famed golf course architect Robert Trent Jones, Jr. design a putting green outside of the Oval Office.

– Neither his wife, nor daughter are much into the game despite his requests.

Golf Quote: “Golf is like life in a lot of ways: The most important competition is the one against yourself. All the biggest wounds are self-inflicted. And you get a lot of breaks you don’t deserve, both ways. So it’s important not to get too upset when you’re having a bad day.”