Donald Trump and Samuel L. Jackson Play Out Golf Feud On Social Media

Donald Trump has found himself embroiled in another golf-related feud, this time with actor Samuel L. Jackson. The Republican candidate for president came up in an interview Jackson did for Rhapsody magazine during his media tour for “The Hateful Eight.”

Asked about the pair’s relationship, Jackson clarified that he feels the two are not so much “friends,” but they had played golf together before. Jackson ended his answer with one of the most serious insinuations one golfer can make against another. 

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From there, the rest of the fiasco played out on social media. 

Jackson refuted Trump’s claims on Instagram — albeit short-lived — before deleting the picture of the bill from Trump National in question. He should know that nothing is completely scrubbed from the internet. 


“A bill from the guy that doesn’t know me & never golfed with me! I’m gonna block his a*$ too!”

Fellow actor Anthony Anderson attempted to corroborate Jackson’s story by responding to Trump’s original tweet.

Jackson retweeted Anderson’s tweet.

And as of now, Trump got the last punch in.