Golf Joke Of The Day – May 26, 2023

Joke Of The Day

Three golfers were standing at the gates of heaven, and St. Peter asked them if they ever cheated while playing golf with their wives.

The first man admitted that he cheated all the time, so St. Peter gave him a motorcycle and admitted him to heaven. The second man confessed that he cheated on occasion, so St. Peter gave him a mid-sized car and let him through the gates.

The third man said, “For 40 years, I only ever played golf with my wife. Most of the time she beat me, but I never cheated.”

St. Peter gave him a Rolls-Royce and admitted him into heaven.

A week later, the three men met at an intersection in heaven, and the third man was sitting behind the wheel of his luxury car crying. The two others asked why someone with such a nice car was crying.

The third man looked through his tears and said, “I just saw my wife. She was driving a skateboard.”

Have a good (and relatively clean) golf joke that you’d like to see featured? Email it to!

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