Golfer Impales Self In Freak Accident

When golfers head to the driving range, usually the only risk they are taking is further frustrating themselves. However, a Colorado golfer found out that much more damage can be caused when a freak accident left him with a rope wrapped around his club and an eye bolt lodged in his leg.

Matt Gutierrez was preparing to play in a pro-am tournament at Greeley Country Club in Greeley, Colorado last week when his practice session took a bizarre turn. Swinging on the range in the roped section set aside for the day’s play, Gutierrez’s wedge hit the rope causing the eye bolt that was holding the rope in place to fly out of the ground and become lodged in his left leg right below his knee.

Gutierrez was taken to an area hospital. 

“They unscrewed it and pulled at one time.  Boom,” Gutierrez said. 

According to, Gutierrez has visited the hospital twice since the incident for an operation and an infection of his bone. 

He’s keeping the bolt as a souvenir of the freak accident, but his golf buddies want him to do something else with the piece of metal. 

“My buddies are making fun of me and saying I should make a chain of it and just wear it every time I go to the golf course,” he said.