REVIEW: The F2 Wave Series Wedges

What You Need To Know

  • The F2 Wave Series Wedges comes in four different shaft loft options
  • Features a face-forward design, dual-bounce sole and parallel grooves with wavey lines inbetween
  • Retails for $119 per wedge; available for $218 for 3-pack of wedges. Comes in right / left hand, 52°, 56°, 60° and 64°

Every time you tune into golf on television, you’re inundated with ads about the technological advances that equipment manufacturers have shoehorned into their latest and greatest offerings. 

This typically applies to drivers and irons, but very rarely do you see massive marketing spends centered around how companies have improved their scoring clubs – most notably, their wedges. That’s because the overall design characteristics in the wedge hasn’t changed all that much since Gene Sarazen designed the “modern” sand wedge in 1932.

For amateurs, we know the shortcomings of a club designed by a pro to be hit by a pro; we see them come to fruition practically every time we tee it up.

That was the inspiration behind the F2 Wave Series Wedges: how can a new design give amateurs a better opportunity to hit better shots around the green? Matt Stephens and Derrick Dobbin came up with a new take on a little-known design and created what has sold nearly a quarter-million units in the past few years.

Featuring a face-forward design with a dual-bounce sole and specialty grooves, the F2 Wave Series Wedges were born and golfers have been singing its praises ever since.

First Impressions

When it comes to the first impression of the F2 Wave Series Wedge, the club is relatively innocuous-looking sitting in a golf bag, but pull it out and the design quirks are abundantly apparent.

The normal wedge face you’re used to seeing has been more or less abandoned. It resembles a hosel configuration you wouldn’t be overly surprised to see in a putter. The F2’s calling card is its face-forward design, which, as far as golf club marketing speak goes, is as literal as there is.

The leading edge of the club protrudes in front of the hosel, giving it unique look at address, and the reasoning behind it is instantly understood: you cannot shank this club. And trust me, I tried… a lot. 

Test Results

While the shank-proofness of the F2 Wave Wedges are what catch your eye initially, the real MVP of this club is its dual-bounce sole. Checking in at what has to be close to 20° of bounce, this wedge’s superpower is just how hard it is to completely flub a shot. 

While no club can fix you from delivering the leading edge into the middle of the golf ball and firing it over the green, the F2 instills the confidence in the player that you can overly self-correct in the other direction.

With a leading edge that cuts through rough or sand and a sole that stabilizes and delivers the clubface into the ball, the player can err on the side of hitting it fat without the negative repercussions. There’s nothing that can replicate the advantage of a well-struck shot, but the F2 does mitigate the multiple chips that would result from a poorly-struck one. 

As for the wave grooves between the traditional horizontal grooves, the most important datapoint I found was that they reacted on par with a Titleist Vokey wedge in terms of RPMs of spin. 

The Takeaway

Anyone who struggles with their short game owes it to themselves to give the F2 Wave Series Wedges a chance. Once they’ve done that, the entire purchase equation comes down to ego: do you want to try to play a wedge that looks like the ones the pros play or do you want to shoot lower scores? It’s as simple as that.

If the answer is the correct one — shooting lower scores — you’re not going to find an easier wedge to hit or one at a better price.

The F2 Wave Series Wedge retails for $119.00 per wedge, but is also available in a special 3-pack for $218.00. The clubs come in both right-handed and left-handed dexterities and in 52°, 56°, 60° and 64° lofts.