Golf Joke Of The Day – August 23, 2023

Joke Of The Day

Fred and Harry decided to join the best golf club that money could buy.

On their first day as members, they went into the bar for a drink before their round. They ordered two whiskeys and asked, “How much is that?”

The barman smiled. “Are you new members?” he asked. “Is this your first day at the club?”

“Yes,” replied Fred and Harry.

“Well, it’s on the house.”

The two friends decided to lunch in the club dining room. It was a sumptuous meal after which Harry called the waitress over. “We’d like to settle up,” he said. The waitress smiled sweetly and enquired whether they were new members.

“Yes,” they told her, “we are indeed.”

“And is this your first day at the club?”

“Yes,” they replied.

“Then, it’s on the house, sirs.”

Much pleased, the two decided it was time to have a match, so they walked into the pro shop to buy some balls.

“Give me two sleeves,” Fred ordered grandly. “How much is that?”

“Are you new members, sir? And is it your first day at the club?” the attendant behind the desk asked.

“Yes and yes,” smiled Fred

“Okay. That will be $75,” the pro advised.

Fred turned to Harry and whispered, “It sure ain’t by the throat where they got you in this club.”

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