Gruesome Details Emerge From College Golfer’s Murder

The shocking murder of one of women’s golf’s brightest up-and-coming stars, former Iowa State standout Celia Barquin Arozamena, continues to befuddle and shock those in the golf community as search warrants have revealed some of the gruesome details from Barquin Arozamena’s final hours.

Barquin Arozamena’s body was found in a pond adjacent to the 9th hole riddled with stab wounds at Coldwater Links Golf Course in Ames, Iowa the morning of Sept. 17. The 2018 Big 12 women’s golf champion and Iowa State Female Athlete of the Year was allegedly attacked and murdered by 22-year-old Collin Richards, who entered a written plea of “not guilty” on Monday and waived his right to a speedy trial, according to The Des Moines Register.

College Golf Star Murdered On Local Course

Barquin Arozamena’s wounds were consistent with those of a blade that was at least four inches in length. Investigators found three knives in their execution of search warrants. 

“The crime scene evidence indicated the victim sustained three cuts to the center of her chest above the breast area, a laceration at the hairline of the back of the head, a laceration between her shoulder blades, and a laceration on the left calf of the victim’s leg,” one warrant application read. “The DCI Crime Scene team processed the crime scene and also located blood on the golf course fairway near the victim’s location.”

Richards allegedly showered at the home of Christopher Johnston in the immediate aftermath of the murder after showing up unkempt and bloody. Richards bathed but refused Johnston’s offer to wash his clothes, instead loading them into a backpack, Johnston told officers. 

Three days later, a garage fire broke out at Johnston’s home. Search warrants revealed that two knives were found in the fire and a third was found at the campsite where Richards was living. All three knives are believed to be connected to the murder.

Addition warrants have been requested to locate articles of clothing that Barquin Arozamena was believed to be wearing. Investigators seized multiple articles of clothing from Richards’ campsite, two tents, two blankets and a backpack.

Barquin Arozamena was a native of Puente San Miguel, Spain who was finishing up her degree in civil engineering at the time of her death.