Two Cameramen Hit In Two Days


It’s been a rough couple days for golf cameramen. We’ll start with today where Sergio Garcia sent this heat-seeking missile into the gallery during the suspended first round of the Genesis Open at Riviera.

If you’re wondering why the footage looks like it should win an Emmy, it’s because the gentleman he hit happened to be the CBS cameraman. Fortunately, he wasn’t seriously injured and everyone had a good laugh, except Sergio, understandably. He shot one-over 72 and finds himself T-92.

The other unfortunate mishap occurred a day earlier at Graeme McDowell’s Fantasy Camp. Prominent photographer Cy Cyr was documenting the action when a man who is now affectionately known as “Angelo The Assassin” rocketed a 145 MPH laser into his stomach.

The comment in Cyr’s Instagram post does the story more justice than we can!


When one of @graeme_mcdowell ‘s Fantasy Golf Campers rips a 145mph drive on the first tee of the very first hole of first inaugural fantasy weekend into your big belly at the Ritz Carlton in Orlando, you count your lucky stars the Callaway didn’t do real damage. Angelo, “The Assassin,” felt horrible for the accident and we quickly became friends. Many thanks to GMac and Ritz Orlando golf staff for making sure I was OK. GMac made Angelo hit driver on the range while using Trackman, which is how we knew it was 145mph! I’ve been a golf photographer for 20 years, had a few close calls, but never seriously hit…until the Assassin came to town. #golf #golfphotography #gmac #ritzcarlton #orlando #florida #usa #assassin

A post shared by Cy Cyr (@cycyrdotcom) on


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