Let’s talk about one of the leading causes of hitting that dreadful shank. This is going to help you if you tend to strike the golf ball towards the heel or even occasionally get it to the pipe.
One of the leading causes that I see most is instability in their transition. So when they’re coming down they tend to move out into the front of their feet or into the toes, which causes that sweet spot to want to move out. It only takes about an inch for you to get really close to that hosel and they hit a hosel rocket.
What I like to do is create an unstable environment so that you can feel the difference of when you’re in your toes, when you’re stable, and when you’re in your heels. I like to stand on a pool noodle, and I want my heels to be touching the ground. As I set up here, I’m really feeling like I’m sitting back into my heels. Make some practice backswings to where you feel like you’re loading that trail heal and you’re not getting out onto your toes.
If you can learn to strike the golf ball in the middle of the clubface from an unstable surface, when you get on the normal ground it’s going to be a piece of cake.