A hook is usually a result of a path problem. Setting up a shaft in the ground that’s on the same plane line as your club is at address will give you the sensation and the feeling of what the proper path is coming down. If you’re someone that comes from the inside, even though you can look and see that’s nowhere near above the plane, it’s even maybe a little below, it’s going to make you have that sensation of “I better not drop it inside”. You can make some nice rehearsal swings and then you can work to try to mimic that same feeling. It’s a great little feedback station that helps you get that awareness getting the club to shift the path a little bit more out in front of you and not be so far underneath which can cause the hook.
August 11, 2021 - 6:40 am EDT
4 years ago
Fix Your Hook With A Better Path
Jonathan Moore
Professional Golfer, 2006 NCAA Individual Champion, Oklahoma State Univ. Golf Strength & Conditioning Coach