Produce Optimal Launch To Maximize Distance

Chad Phillips

Chad Phillips

Golf Digest Best in Georgia, Top Junior Coach, Director of Instruction - Pinetree Country Club

Our first component is attack angle. How do I get this club to travel level or slightly up at impact? That’s desirable for a number of reasons but ultimately it’s going to be about producing optimal launch and spin to maximize our distance. We want the ball position somewhere towards the lead foot, around the shoulder joint. I want to position my body correctly to where my clubs is going to want to meet its low point behind the golf ball and be ascending or relatively level through there.

When trying to create an upward or level attack angle, I have to get the club relatively close to the ground behind it. Now what’s going to help that ascend off the ground through the hitting zone is the rotation of the body and the extension of the lead side. Through impact I’m standing up, lengthening my lead side, I put some pressure into that lead foot, and I’m standing up rotating and extending that lead side while allowing my arms to pass the body.