Here’s a great drill on how to keep that right shoulder more down and back in transition to prevent that over-the-top move.
We have two noodles here stuck together and you’re going to put this in at a 45-degree angle pointing at your right shoulder. At address, that’s going to be two to three inches off that trail shoulder. From there I want you to go ahead and make some rehearsals where you go to the top and train getting your hands to move at the golf ball without that right shoulder moving. You could even go ahead and hit a golf ball doing this. If you try to spin out too early, you’ll hit this noodle. This is a great drill for those who want to take their right shoulder over the top in transition.
July 14, 2021 - 7:13 am EDT
4 years ago
Train Yourself To Get Rid Of The Over-The-Top Swing
Ben Pellicani
Golf Digest Best Young Teacher in America, Golf Digest Best in Tennessee, 2019 Middle Tennessee PGA Teacher of the Year