Push notifications are used by almost every app on the market. Utilizing this feature is a great way to pull users into your Academies app. It helps to promote engagement and can be used for a number of reasons.
Your push notifications can be as simple as asking your users “Have you opened the app today?” or more in-depth like informing students of new content in the app. These push notifications are a great way to let users know what’s going on, or that there is a new video in the library, a new post to the forum, even a new coupon code for lessons. When the users see these, they will jump right into the app and review what the instructor has added.
Sending a push notification is very simple in the Coach App.
- Start by clicking the Schedule PN button on the Push Notification screen.
- Be sure to include a header and the notification body to grab the user’s attention.
- Next, schedule it out for a time that would be most appropriate for app users. Too early in the day or even too late and the app users may miss, ignore or unsubscribe to the notifications.
While it is not set in stone, the time we typically suggest sending out a push notification would be late morning or early afternoon. It is understood that there may be times where an emergency notification is needed and does not fit in this window, and that is fine! But for the day-to-day push notifications, it is best to try to stick to a normal time frame.
There should never be a concern about sending too many push notifications. While it might not hold as much value as sending one per day, if there is an important note to get to your users, sending more than one is appropriate.
Finally, it is important to try to be somewhat consistent with sends. If you send 10 push notifications one week but then zero the following, the user’s engagement in the app will be impacted. Shoot for a goal of 4-6 per week and stick to that. There will always be something to tell your students, use push notifications to do so!