If you’re struggling with ball striking, a good place to look is how your body is moving. Many golfers that hit the ball fat or even thin and can’t hit the ground in the right place tend to have what we call an upper-body sway or even a lower body sway. Let’s talk about the upper body sway. What happens is when you take the club away, your shoulders are too flat so that’s causing your head and your upper body to move too much to the right.
The element to making more of a centralized pivot is we need some left tilt. We need our body to feel like we’re left tilting as we’re rotating. You’ll notice that when you do that, your shoulders are pointing more down towards the golf ball and less out. A little left tilt rotation and this right leg start to extend a little bit, the trail hip goes back up behind you. It’s really going to help you to stay centered which is going to make it easier for you to get pressure left and into that impact position that we all strive for. This is a really easy way to improve your ground contact in your ball striking.