Unleash More Speed With Your Driver With A Slower Backswing

Jonathan Moore

Jonathan Moore

Professional Golfer, 2006 NCAA Individual Champion, Oklahoma State Univ. Golf Strength & Conditioning Coach

When we get the driver in our hands, you know this is when we’re wanting to really send it and get that extra distance. We want to swing faster thinking that’s going to help us but sometimes going faster can actually cause a problem. If you can think about actually swinging slower, especially in the backswing, it’s almost like you’re just letting this energy store up before you unleash the speed. You’re going to have a lot more success and hit it a lot further.

Oftentimes we try to go quick from the beginning, and when you go quick from the beginning if your arms go fast there’s no time for your body to turn and get that powerful wind-up. Take an extra second, you almost feel like taking that club back, giving yourself time to make a nice wind-up, and then unleash that speed.